35 research outputs found

    Qualifizierung im Bereich digitaler Langzeitarchivierung

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    The paper gives an overview on qualification activities in Germany regarding digital preservation and digital curation. The paper has a focus on the contributions provided by nestor and its cooperative working group realised by several Universities in german speaking countries. Contributions to School events organised by specially committed players like State and University Library Goettingen and Cologne University of Applied Sciences are explained

    Sample Conditioning for Multi-Sensor Systems

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Verbesserung der Identifizierung von Zielanalyten mit Kombinationen verschiedenartiger chemischer Sensoren und die Korrelation von Sensorsignalen mit dem Gehalt an flüchtigen Komponenten und instrumenteller Analytik. Verschiedene Methoden der Optimierung eines Multisensorsystems, oder elektronische Nase, für die Detektion bestimmter Analyte in einer komplexen Matrix wurden für zahlreiche Anwendungsgebiete untersucht. Dabei wurden Spezifität, Selektivität und Sensitivität der Detektionsmethode verbessert. Die elektronische Nase ist ein neuartiges analytisches Instrument, das aus einer Anordnung von verschiedenen chemischen Sensoren, einem Probenaufnahmesystem und einer Mustererkennung besteht. Drei Hauptaufgaben wurden in dieser Arbeit ausgeführt. Erstens, die Erweiterung des Sensorsystems um ein weiteres Transduktionsprinzip; die Integration von amperometrischen Gassensoren mit speziellen und ergänzenden Eigenschaften. Neben der Möglichkeit ein Referenzsignal für Messungen in variierender Luftfeuchtigkeit zu liefern, machen amperometrische Gassensoren eine weitere Klasse von Analyten der Untersuchung mit chemischen Sensoren zugänglich. Zweitens, wurde eine Probenaufbereitungs- und Anreicherungseinheit aufgebaut und integriert: Die differentielle Thermodesorption. Diese wurde erfolgreich getestet und theoretisch fundiert. Die Probenaufnahmetechnik der differentielle Thermodesorption ist gleichzeitig ein Probenanreicherungssystem, das die Senitivität steigert, und ein eine chromatographische Säule, welche die Selektivität verbessert. Die neuartige Technik ermöglicht eine komponentenspezifische quantitative und qualitative Auswertung für die Klassifikation einer Probe. Drittens, wurde die elektronische Nase erfolgreich unter Anwendung der entwickelten Probenaufbereitungstechniken in neuen Applikationsfeldern angewendet, z.B. der Detektion von Bakterien oder der Klassifizierung von Lebensmitteln in wässriger Matrix.The goal of this work was the improvement of the identification of target constituents in varying or interfering matrices with arrays of chemical sensors and the correlation of sensor signals with volatile compounds and instrumental chemical analysis. Different methods of optimizing a multi-sensor array instrument or electronic nose towards the detection of certain analytes in complex matrices were investigated for several application examples by improving the specificity, selectivity, and sensitivity of the detection method. The electronic nose, short e-nose or EN, is a new type of analytical instrument consisting of an array of chemical sensors, a suitable sampling system, and pattern classifier algorithm. Three main tasks have been achieved in the course of this work: Firstly, the expansion of the sensor system to a further transduction principle; i.e. the integration of amperometric gas sensors with unique and complementary properties. Apart from the possibility of providing a reference signal for measurements in varying humidity, amperometric sensors make a further class of target analytes accessible to investigation with chemical sensor arrays. Secondly, the set-up and integration of a sample conditioning and enrichment unit, i.e. the differential thermodesorption technique, which has been successfully tested, and the theoretical basis of which has been evaluated. The differential thermodesorption sample uptake modification is a chemical enrichment system enhancing sensitivity and at the same time a chromatographic column improving selectivity. The novel technique enables a compound specific quantitative and qualitative evaluation for the classification of a sample. Thirdly, the successful expansion of the modified electronic nose in new fields of applications, e.g. the detection of bacteria or the classification of foodstuff in a water matrix, making use of the developed sampling techniques

    Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten : eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    The relevance of research data today and for the future is well documented and discussed, in Germany as well as internationally. Ensuring that research data are accessible, sharable, and re-usable over time is increasingly becoming an essential task for researchers and research infrastructure institutions. Some reasons for this development include the following: - research data are documented and could therefore be validated - research data could be the basis for new research questions - research data could be re-analyzed by using innovative digital methods - research data could be used by other disciplines Therefore, it is essential that research data are curated, which means they are kept accessible and interpretable over time. In Germany, a baseline study was undertaken analyzing the situation in eleven research disciplines in 2012. The results were then published in a German-language edition. To address an international audience, the German-language edition of the study has been translated and abridged

    D5.3 National Meetings Reports 2012

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    In 2012, DigCurV Partners organised or attended National Meetings for the express purpose of promoting the activities of DigCurV and the Curriculum Framework development. At each meeting, the rationale behind the lenses was discussed, and the uses of lenses themselves were explained. Many partners used the meetings as a means to promote DigCurV. UGOE suggest that their meeting ‘…served as a platform for the exchange of experiences...’ and highlighted how useful the meeting was for networking. Other partners found other useful feedback from the meetings, particularly with regards to promoting future events, discussing the Curriculum Framework in its current form, and using the CURATE! game as a means of raising topics for discussion. This report looks at each national meeting in turn by country of the reporting partner. Details of the reports are presented in sections looking at the audience profile of the event, the outcomes of the meetings, and the impact of the meeting. The report concludes with a summary of the feedback and information taken from each meetng, and present recommendatons for future meetngs and work of the network

    nestor Handbuch : eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung

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    Die Überlieferung des kulturellen Erbes, traditionell eine der Aufgaben von Bibliotheken, Archiven und Museen, ist durch die Einführung digitaler Medien und innovativer Informationstechnologien deutlich anspruchsvoller geworden. In der heutigen Zeit werden zunehmend mehr Informationen (nur) digital erstellt und veröffentlicht. Diese digitalen Informationen, die Güter des Informations- und Wissenszeitalters, sind einerseits wertvolle kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Ressourcen, andererseits sind sie z.B. durch die Kurzlebigkeit vieler Formate sehr vergänglich. Die Datenträger sind ebenso der Alterung unterworfen wie die Datenformate oder die zur Darstellung notwendige Hard- und Software. Um langfristig die Nutzbarkeit der digitalen Güter sicherzustellen, muss schon frühzeitig Vorsorge getroffen werden. Es müssen Strategien zur digitalen Langzeitarchivierung entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. ..

    Questioning the rise of gelatinous zooplankton in the World's oceans

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    During the past several decades, high numbers of gelatinous zooplankton species have been reported in many estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Coupled with media-driven public perception, a paradigm has evolved in which the global ocean ecosystems are thought to be heading toward being dominated by “nuisance” jellyfish. We question this current paradigm by presenting a broad overview of gelatinous zooplankton in a historicalcontext to develop the hypothesis that population changes reflect the human-mediated alteration of global ocean ecosystems. To this end, we synthesize information related to the evolutionary context of contemporary gelatinous zooplankton blooms, the human frame of reference forchanges in gelatinous zooplankton populations, and whether sufficient data are available to have established the paradigm. We conclude that the current paradigm in which it is believed that there has been a global increase in gelatinous zooplankton is unsubstantiated, and we develop a strategy for addressing the critical questions about long-term, human-related changes in the sea as they relate to gelatinous zooplankton blooms

    The role of libraries in curation and preservation of research data in Germany: findings of a survey

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    In the last few years the issue of curation of research data has become a topic of enhanced interest in scientific communities. But there is no clear understanding of how to deal with curation of research data. Regarding the situation in Germany, there was no clear picture of the methods that different academic disciplines use to preserve and curate their research data. Even more there was no clear understanding and consensus which role libraries could or should play in this issue. A baseline study was conducted in cooperation with nestor and the D-Grid GmbH in Germany. The study gives more stable data to scientists, service infrastructure experts and politicians to foster strategic concepts for digital curation and preservation in and between the disciplines. The survey addressed eleven disciplines including the humanities, social sciences, psycholinguistics, pedagogics, classical studies, geoscience, climate research, biodiversity, particle physics, astronomy and medicine. Results can be seen as more or less representative for the situation in Germany. Findings show that libraries and data centers are involved but there is no clear result on the role libraries should or will play in the field. Libraries which are in close connection to scientists have an advantage in being addressed as institutions responsible for digital curation and preservation. Librarian’s competences regarding research data still have to be proofed. Nevertheless individual scientists and research data centers might need libraria´s expertise regarding the application of metadata standards and the provision of services in connection with the research data curated by institutions. Qualification and training regarding curation of research data is still at its beginning and should be addressed by programs of universities

    Digital Curation Training: The nestor Activities.

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    Digital curation is currently not very well covered by university curricula in the German speaking countries. Nevertheless there is a strong demand for well-educated staff in this field. As part of the project “nestor”, a transnational partnership of academic institutions in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, a comprehensive qualification program based on e-learning tutorials, schools, seminars, and publications has been established to meet this demand

    Qualification & Education in Digital Curation: the nestor Experience in Germany

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    Being a relatively new topic in research and education, digital curation is, for a number of reasons, currently not very well covered by university curricula. Within the project "nestor", a transnational partnership of academic institutions in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, has established a comprehensive qualification program not only based on e-learning tutorials but also on schools, seminars and an (open access) encyclopedia in digital curation

    Curation and Preservation of Research Data in Germany: A survey across different academic disciplines

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    This paper gives an overview of the design and purpose of a survey on the curation of research data in Germany. Eleven disciplines including, among others, the humanities, social sciences, and medicine are addressed. Issues and preliminary findings are summarized. At iPRES2011 findings of this survey will be presented to an international audience for the first time